Join us for an evening of music! Open Mic. Bring an instrument or piece of music. Donations at the door. All welcome. Saturday 8th February, 7pm – 8.30pm Boghall Parish Church Download the poster.


When open, a window can be music, birdsong, laughter. A window is connections to different possibilities. They bring a world closer, they show us how to reach. A real source of inspiration for the original sanctuary garden were stories and poems from the area’s historical and industrial past: One poem, brought to a workshop by…


Images from Viva Boghall 24, an event celebrating progress on the new Community Garden at Boghall Parish Church. Visitors were able to see how much work has been put in by the local community in developing a warm and welcoming space where we bring people, music and creative workshops together. We were also able to…


Are you someone who loves all things green? Here’s your opportunity to get involved and Grow for the community. Share and learn Growing, Cooking and Gardening skills. We are creating a new Community Cooking and Growing space on the grounds to the rear of Boghall Parish Church. Join us on Thursday 18th April from 11am…

LIFEBLOOD | Exhibition at Howden Park Centre

‘I just sat and sewed’ Create opportunities for people to meet and work together and they will make connections and build communities. This exhibition is a joyful exploration of the work that comes out of that process. Some will define themselves as artists, others will just say ‘I just sat and sewed’. Definitions are important,…


Thanks to all who came out for Viva Boghall. With a packed day of spraypainting, embroidery, pizza, music – from classical to brass band to electropop – tae kwon do, woodworking and much more, it was a great way to bring the Boghall community together.

VIVA BOGHALL PRESENTS | 27th May, 12 – 3pm

Boghall Primary School, St Columba’s Primary School, Boghall Parish Church, Boghall Drop in Centre and Leylines are working together to bring the local community a fun, creative and social day for all the family in 4 venues around Boghall. Come along and enjoy the activites on offer.


This was the first day that Viva Boghall welcomed new people to the activites on offer throughout March. Noon to 1pm was a free lunch of homemade soup and bread made by Patrick, Anna and Dorothy, then from 1 to 3pm people can stay on and join in the various activities on offer. We were…


This week Trevor, Jan-Bert and Renee were in the kitchen to prepare lunch. After a morning of chopping & sweating vegetables and kneading dough, a nourishing offering of Scotch Broth, Broccoli & Stilton Soup and lovely savoury Scones appeared. In the meantime the different creative stations were set up and ready for people to try…


A busy morning of roasting vegetables, baking bread and blitzing parmesan, pine nuts and basil, resulted in a lovely lunch of roast pepper soup with a dollop of pesto and fresh slices of the best soda bread. With all feeling well fed the focus soon changed to carving wood, sowing together colourfull materials, drawing out…


This was the last week of ‘lets throw everything at it’ as Urszula, one of our participants said at the start of this adventure. Over the last four weeks we have built momentum, gathered new ideas, got people interested in what they wanted to see happen and had some nice food along the way. Its…


We asked Peter Johnstone to make a special issue of Slush Poppy to help document the 5th Exit festival at Howden Park. Slush Poppy is a zine he has been making since 2018, it usually covers art, music and anything of interest.We think you will enjoy this latest edition!  


The 5TH EXIT exhibition was accompanied by a series of workshops and events expertly led by the artists. They wanted you to have the opportunity to join in and be part of a growing network of likeminded communities who are open to new experiences and supportive of each other’s potential.    The purpose of involvement…

5TH EXIT | WEEK 1 – 2

In the last two years we have all found new ways of connecting and creatively occupying our time. Computer screens were taken over by the talking heads of Zoom and WhatsApp became our new best friend. Fifth Exit presents the work of a group of artists who devised their own ways of keeping in touch…

5th EXIT | WEEK 3 – 4

Sitting round a large table, listening to impromptu playlists selected by the different artists in the group, while making things, is very conducive to good chat, getting the ideas flowing and strengthening friendships. The 5th Exit artist have been meeting up in the Howden Park Centre artists’ studios for the last two years and through…

5th EXIT | WEEK 5 – 6

The work on display has been shaped by social interaction, especially gatherings based around food – but then, most of us are more likely to go along to something if there is food involved! These interests have very much influenced the pieces that artists Jo and Urszula have skilfully created. Over the past months Jo…

5th EXIT | WEEK 7 – 8

We have really enjoyed pulling together 5th Exit. It has been a joy to see the artists’ work on display, and we have loved meeting people and making new friends through the public workshops and events. Everything we do is about that social interaction and as the artists and participants have so clearly said: “It…


Howden Park Centre | April – June 2022 The Fifth Exit exhibtion presented the work of a group of artists who devised their own ways of keeping in touch to share ideas, make work and create positive strategies for wellbeing during the lockdowns of the pandemic. The exhibition content changed every two weeks and was…


October 2018 saw the official opening of ‘Sanctuary’ at Boghall Parish Church. We were keen that the opening would be an opportunity for everyone who participated to bring along friends and family and use the the event to showcase all of our hard work. Many groups that had been involved throughout the project such as…