5th EXIT | WEEK 5 – 6

The work on display has been shaped by social interaction, especially gatherings based around food – but then, most of us are more likely to go along to something if there is food involved! These interests have very much influenced the pieces that artists Jo and Urszula have skilfully created.

Over the past months Jo has been working with ceramicist James Wrigler exploring Japanese forms and motifs. Jo’s love of all things Japanese started at a young age. Urszula has been involved in a short studio residency with artist Nick Evans at his studio, where she been making a beautiful ceramic wood burning stove and the series of cups to go along with it.

In the next two weeks you can join Urszula in the ceramic workshops, and a foraging walk with foraging expert Chris Macefield.

We will end the foraging walk with a brew using the things foraged, brewed up on Urszula’s stove and drink the hot brew from the cups she has thrown on the wheel specifically for the event.