5th EXIT | WEEK 7 – 8

We have really enjoyed pulling together 5th Exit. It has been a joy to see the artists’ work on display, and we have loved meeting people and making new friends through the public workshops and events.

Everything we do is about that social interaction and as the artists and participants have so clearly said:

“It is that freedom to just be who you are, and to be able to socialise with other people that get you, that really get you. It’s good to feel part of something.’’

In the final two weeks of the exhibition, we are showing highlights from the past 6 weeks, as well as some of the work made in the public workshops. Although we are coming to the conclusion of 5th Exit, we don’t see this as the end; more as the beginning of reaching out and the start of new connections that enrich all our lives.

The focus for the last fortnight widens to also spotlight musical talent amongst the a and the final showcase event  where we host a variety of talented local bands.